Before adopting a feline, make sure the windows close properly and protect your furniture; then buy him a feeder, drinker, sandpit and scraper

What should I buy before bringing my cat home?

Adopting a cat can be an excellent idea to have a house and life companion. Cats require less work than dogs, when it comes to hygiene and walks. But if it is the first time that you are going to have one and you are not very familiar with them, you may wonder: what should I buy before bringing my cat home?

As there are more people who have dogs than those who have cats, even if we do not have a pet, we tend to be more familiar with the needs and care that dogs require than with felines.

This should not worry you since, as you know, we are here to help you solve all the doubts you have.

Before bringing my cat home I must take into account …

In addition to knowing what to buy, you will need to make sure of several things before bringing your cat home. These are some details:

  • You will need a space. Cats, although they will seek your cuddles a lot and will want to be with you for long periods on the sofa, they will also need a place to be, a place that they can see as a refuge. A somewhat isolated place where you can nurture the spirit of independence that characterizes felines.

Cat bed

  • Secure the windows. Cats love to escape and leave the house, so if you have a balcony and windows at home, we recommend that you secure them with a kind of plastic net that prevents them from escaping.
  • Protect your furniture. Scratching is one of cats' favorite hobbies , so secure your furniture with bumpers to prevent damage. We also recommend that until you educate him you do not have curtains at home.

    Once you have these tips in mind, you should know what to buy before bringing my cat home.

    Everything I have to buy before bringing my cat home

    Well, you have already decided on a cat, you have prepared the house for him while you wait for his mother to be weaned. Now it's time to go shopping. You have to get hold of these utensils:

    • Feeder and drinker. You can choose to buy two individual containers or a double one. We recommend two, because in double there is always the risk that the water mixes with the food and vice versa. Since some pets can be allergic to plastic, we suggest that you choose an anti-allergy material, such as stainless steel.
    • Sandbox. You already know that cats do not have to be taken for a walk to do their little things, but they will need a box that will serve them for it. If you only have one cat, it does not need to be too big, because no matter how much you fill it, it will smell bad and you will have to constantly change the area. Better small to save this expense and make everything more comfortable.
      • Sand. To fill the box in which the kitten will relieve himself, a special cat litter is needed. There are several options on the market, among which the scented sand stands out, which helps to avoid bad smells.
      • A toy shovel. A shovel like the one we took to the beach when we were little will help you move the sand and also to remove the cat's feces. Do not forget to put them in a plastic bag and close it before depositing it with your organic garbage; otherwise, the whole house will smell.
      • Scraper. As we mentioned before, cats have a habit of scratching everything, but they do not do it to annoy but to strengthen their nails and to calm an innate instinct. If you buy him a scratcher that he can do this with and that he can climb up to and even hide on, he may never scratch anything in your house.

        You are now ready to welcome your new cat home. With these tips and the purchase you have made, your friend already has a new home. Now you just need to give each other a lot of love and make good friends.